
Mario Carrara was born in Guastalla (Reggio Emilia) in 1866 and graduated in medicine at Bologna in 1891.

In 1893, he moved to Turin and became Lombroso’s assistant.

In 1896, he was appointed lecturer in Forensic Medicine in the University of Turin and later was awarded the Chair of Forensic Medicine in the University of Cagliari.

In 1899, he married one of Cesare Lombroso’s daughters, Paola.  In 1903, he returned to Turin to succeed Lombroso in the Chair of Forensic Medicine.  Upon the death of Lombroso, he assumed the direction of the museum and the professorship of Criminal Anthropology.

In 1931, he refused to swear allegiance to the Fascist regime and was deprived of his professorship and the direction of the museum.  Between the end of 1936 and the beginning of 1937, he was held in prison for three months for suspected anti-Fascist activity.

In 1937, the year of his death, his Manual of Forensic Medicine was published.